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Community Advocacy

We provide community advocacy through case work, bridging the gap between those in need and the resources available to them.

Advocacy through Social Case Work
From rom healthcare issues, to domestic and social service needs, we help persons navigate their way through, as well as, ensure they receive such services that are just and desirable. Because navigating through a range of services, organizations and programs can be overwhelmingly difficult and time consuming and understanding the processes through which to take to access these services can we ensure Rendering assistance in the areas of scheduling appointments, ensuring proper instructions are given and understood, attending medical appointments with patients, asking questions, picking up prescriptions, meet with clients to whom they’re assigned, develop an understanding of that client’s specific circumstances, assess what services are available and create a plan for moving ahead in a way that will best resolve the client’s needs. work to assess the needs of their clients, develop plans to meet those needs and collaborate with other professionals such as doctors, psychologists or counselors and organizations such as child welfare, social services, food banks, housing, etc., to make sure their clients receive the appropriate support they need, to underserved and vulnerable populations focus on working directly with individuals and families to ensure they have access to the appropriate support and services they need to survive. help individuals and families navigate the often complex process for accessing services across a wide range of agencies and organizations. safe housing, transportation, and medical care. help families in their caseloads apply for government assistance and find other financial and community support as needed. coordinates and manages services for clients, like health or social services, to ensure their needs are met. meets regularly with clients in at-risk populations to provide counseling and assistance. Caseworkers outline requirements and goals they set for their clients and check on them regularly to make sure they’re managing their circumstances properly. Caseworkers perform many critical tasks to help these individuals improve their lives, including:
Performing home visitations to examine their client’s living circumstances Offering public resources and referrals that can help clients improve their situationsMaintaining case records coordinates with team members and other internal departments, Provide members and/or family members with care coordination, referrals and linkage to Health Plan resources and community agencies, help people with Medicare navigate the complex system of their healthcare

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